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Some customers may require you to register your business (aka "onboarding") before sending invoices to them. If you don't complete this step - or any other step your customer may require - the invoice will not be accepted.
In case the customer is also a customer of TIE Kinetix, then you are in luck! We can help you ensure that the right steps have been taken to complete the onboarding process so that you can start sending e-invoices. Some of our clients require you to register your business, while others do not.
These TIE Kinetix customers require you to onboard before you can send invoices:
Click on the customer's name below to be redirected to the appropriate registration form.
In most cases you will find a company registration link on your customer's Flow Portal login page (colour, text and layout may vary per customer).
With these TIE Kinetix customers it is not necessary that you are onboard to send e-invoices, but only to to log in to and use their Flow portal environment:
- Brabant Water
- Intra garden
- Eindhoven municipality
- Municipality of Enschede / Losser
- Municipality of Meierijstad
- Municipality of Nissewaard
- Municipality of Rotterdam
- Municipality of Tilburg
- TU Eindhoven
If your customer does not appear in the list above, it is possible that they are not (yet) a customer of TIE Kinetix. In that case, we don't know if your customer requires you to onboard before you can send invoices. If in doubt, contact the customer directly; in that case we cannot answer your questions.
Learn more about a "typical" onboarding process here.
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